
Bimhuis TV Presents: Artvark Saxophone Quartet & Drums United

Join the livestream! Four saxplayers, four percussionists, four continents, one groove.The Artvark Saxophone Quartet dives into the groove for the first time together with the collective Drums United led by Lucas van Merwijk (tonight replaced by Wouter Kühne)

In addition to Van Merwijk(tonight replaced by Wouter Kühne), Drums United consists of three other top percussionists: the Venezuelan Marco Toro, the Turkish Alper Kekeç and the Senegalese Moussé Pathé. The group toured around the world. You can know them from their shows Heartbeat and Rhythm Dreams: spectacles of drum and percussion violence. The Artvark Saxophone Quartet has been playing the national and international stages for 15 years: from the Rotterdam Opera Days to the Cairo Jazz Festival. In addition, they often perform in the theater. Now they are touring with Drums United for the first time. The groups take you on a timeless trip, along meditative percussion, through steaming sax solos to end in a stirring, collective groove.

Artvark Saxophone Quartet
Rolf Delfos – alto saxophone
Bart Wirtz – alto saxophone
Mete Erker – tenor saxophone
Peter Broekhuizen – baritone saxophone
Drums United
Wouter Kühne (Nederland) – drums & percussie
Alper Kekeç (Turkije) – oriental percussion
Marco Toro (Venezuela) – latin percussion
Moussé Pathé (Senegal) – african percussion

Live übertragen am 19.03.2021

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