
The Wire: Chris Bohn presents Adventures In Sound And Music

The 25 April edition of The Wire’s weekly show on Resonance 104.4FM and Resonance Extra featured tracks by Einstürzende Neubauten, Senyawa, Sunik Kim, bela, Jeff Mills & Jun Togawa, Diamanda Galás, New Dangerfield, and more…

Wukir Suryadi
“Meyakini Sebuah Jawaban”
From Siklus Dan Doa (Cycle & Prayer)

From Various Anthology Of Contemporary Music From Far East
(Unexplained Sounds Group)

Sunik Kim
“Beautiful As The Moon”
From Tears Of Rage
(Rope Editions)

From Noise And Cries

Minimum Wage Immanence Unit
“Between Mountains”
From A Thousand Years To Bristlecone Pine

From Uyⱪesez/Sleepless
(Old Heaven Books)

Einstürzende Neubauten
From Rampen: apm (alien pop music)

These Immortal Souls
“My One-Eyed Daughter”
From Extra

“Amerika Vor Der Revolution”
From Kraut Pleasers

“AntiFa Vs NATO?”
From Sagmirwodustehst

Transatlantik Pseudokrupp featuring Life Design
“Artificial Bourgeosie”
From A-AA

Daniela Stewart
“Invasion Of The Facebook Characters”
From Kraut Pleasers

“Incident In The Theater”
From Ocher Red
(Hive Mind)

Chunyang Yao
From Various Anthology Of Contemporary Music From Far East
(Unexplained Sounds Group)

Jeff Mills & Jun Togawa
From The Trip – Enter The Black Hole

Diamanda Galás
“A Soul That’s Been Abused”
From In Concert
(Intravenal Sound Operations)

Oidopuaa Vladimir Oiun
“There Are Many Tears Here Gained”
From Divine Music From Jail

Marisa Anderson
“See Ya Later”
From Music From ‘A Perfect Day For Caribou’

New Dangerfield
“Dangerfield Newby”
(Free Dirt)

© The Wire, Audio, 24.4.2024

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