
The Wire: Joseph Stannard presents Adventures In Sound And Music

In der Ausgabe vom 11. November der wöchentlichen Sendung von The Wire auf Resonance 104.4FM gab es Tracks von Albert Bouchard, Prinzessin Diana von Wales, Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe, Olivia Block, Mephisto Halabi und anderen…

Mandy, Indiana
“Bottle Episode”
(Fire Talk)

Albert Bouchard
“Shadow Of California”
From Imaginos II: Bombs Over Germany (Minus Zero And Counting) (RockHeart/Deko)

“Slumber Pin”
From Kiedy Wilki Zawyja?

Beauty Pill
“Common Chokecherry”
From Instant Night
(Northern Spy)

Princess Diana Of Wales
“Still Beach”
From Princess Diana Of Wales
(A Colourful Storm)

Olivia Block
“En Echelon”
From Innocent Passage In The Territorial Sea

“Untitled 1 (Terminal Starfall)”
From Nonexistent

Bitchin Bajas
“A Call For All Demons”
From Switched On Ra
(Drag City)

Mephisto Halabi
“The Esoteric Ordnance Of Howling Mystics”
From The Arabic Room

The Body & Big|Brave
“Oh Sinner”
From Leaving None But Small Birds
(Thrill Jockey)

Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe
“End Of Finley”
From Candyman OST

From Sepulnation: The Studio Albums 1998–2009

Lost Trail
“The Homestead Loop At Shallow Ford”
From Disembodied Americana: Lost Trail, 2009–2016

Keith Cook
“Home Is”
From Rock & Roll Riot

Kyle Bruckmann
“Hindsight II: Occam’s Blunderbuss”
From Mesmerics/Hindsight
(Infrequent Seams)

Soft Machine
“Soft Space”
From The Harvest Albums 1975–1978

By Joseph Stannard

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