
TheWire: Adventures In Sound And Music special: All Tomorrow’s Yesterdays

in Winterferien-Special, das Wege in die chinesische Musik erkundet, die sich seit dem Besuch des Tomorrow Festivals in Shenzhen 2015 eröffnet haben.

Co-Moderation von Chris Bohn mit Gastmoderatorin Anla Li, Musik/Kultur-Autorin und Mitarbeiterin von Wire sowie ehemalige Managerin von B10 Live, Shenzhen.

“Rusty Nail/ 锈钉子”
From 锈 Rust
(Modern Sky)

The Other Two Comrades/另外两位同志
“System Developers Trapped 2/系统开发人员被困2”
From Various: Encore 72 Hours/返场七十二小时实录
(Old Heaven Books)

Chunyang Yao/姚春旸
“A Naxi Doze”
From A Trip To Nowhere
(Blank Sounds/Bandcamp)

“The Unheard Southern Mountains/南山其音”
From Various: Long May The Water Flow: An Enduring Discussion On The Convergence And Co-evolution Of Eastern And Western Music, Sparked By Chou Wen-chung’s Musical Philosophies/活水:一场由周文中引发、关于东⻄方音乐交融与共同演进的持续讨论
(bié Records/别的唱片)

Sheng Jie aka Gogoj/盛洁
“[Drala Magpon]/達拉梅波”
From Oviparity/卵生
(WV Sorcerer Productions/Maybe Noise)

Wu Quan/武权
From 初时行想
(self released)

From Various: Anthology Of Experimental Music From China/中国实验音乐选集
(Unexplained Sounds Group)

The River, Orchestration, Walkman!/河边走
“Burning Paper/烧纸”
From Medium-Sized River/中等大小的河流

“Yes No Maybe/是,或者,不是”
From Thursday/A Week Of Music 周四 / 一周音乐

Chen Dili/陈底里
From Delirium/我快乐死了

MAI mai/卖卖
“Across The Universe”
From MAI mai Plays The Beatles/卖卖演奏披头四
(Zoomin’ Night)

Zhang Qianqian/张浅潜
From Zhang Qianqian Live 1997/张浅潜现场1997
(Psychic Label 神棍厂牌)

Wang Xiao/王啸
“The Long Exile/远走他乡”
From The Son Of Black Horse River/黑⻢河的儿子
(WV Sorcerer Productions)

The Nutcrackers/胡桃夹子
“Tree Monster/树妖”
From Another Season In Hell/地狱里的又一季
(Men-Records ⻔唱片)

Lao Dan/老丹
“The Shadow Of Pine Tree/松影”
From Various: 地方,音乐与实践 Vol 1/Region, Music, And Practice Vol 1
(Old Heaven Books)

Lo Sirong/罗思容
“Follow Mother To Dance/跈等阿姆跳舞”
From Everyday/每日
(Trees Music & Art/大大树)

Top Floor Circus/顶楼的⻢戏团
“Money Ruins A Relationship, Yet A Relationship Ruins Money And The Relationship/谈钞票伤感情谈感情又伤钞票又伤感情 ”
From Men Live 2014/03/01/顶楼的⻢戏团⻔现场

Li Jianhong/李剑鸿
From Like Alive, Right Now/此刻, 如同活人
(Modern Sky)

SuSu Yeh/叶树茵
“My Depression (Live)/我的忧郁 (Live)”
From 2004 Witch House Time/2004女巫时光

“Blackheart Breakables”
From Míng Míng/冥冥
(WV Sorcerer Productions)

The Fly/苍蝇
“Real Ass/现实的屁股”
From The Fly ii
(Hardcore Pop/直接流行)

Mamer & IZ
“Two Rivers”
From Kolengke
(Old Heaven Books)

By Biba Kopf & Anla Li

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