
TheWire: Mark Stewart (10.8.1960–21.4.2023)

Mark Stewart, der Anführer der Agit-Pop Group, starb am 21. April im Alter von 62 Jahren. Lesen Sie Mark Fishers Interview mit Stewart aus The Wire 293 und Adrian Sherwoods Epiphany aus The Wire 445 kostenlos in unserer Online-Bibliothek.

Prometheus Unbound: Mark Stewart interviewed by Mark Fisher, The Wire 293, July 2008

Adrian Sherwood’s Epiphany on getting a lesson in rule breaking from Mark Stewart, The Wire 445, March 2021

Wire subscribers can also read the following articles in our online library:

Data Crime Boss: Biba Kopf interviews Mark Stewart, The Wire 146, April 1996

Mark Stewart’s Invisible Jukebox, tested by Phil England, The Wire 256, June 2005

The unedited transcript of Mark Fisher’s interview with Stewart is online here.

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